Enhancing Compentances Through The Video-CV Aid (E.V.A.)


Project Framework

The dynamics of the professional integration of those groups that are the most excluded from the labour market has always been complex. This has become even more complex during the last years, particularly in Europe since 2008, as a result of the economic crisis which has led to a massive decrease in the availability of work.

What is different this time however is that this is true not only for those groups traditionally at risk of social exclusion but also more professional groups like the young graduates are struggling to access the labour market. In parallel it's also becoming increasingly necessary to tackle the challenges coming from social and demographic changes in society related to:

  • The aging population,
  • The changes to the labour market with the emergency of new types of jobs and the transformation of the existing ones along with the growth of further innovation tendencies,
  • The general low demand for non-qualified work and the parallel increase demand of skilled labour;
  • Economic changes including the shifting of the advanced economies core business from the industrial sector to knowledge-based services.

Taking all these into consideration the quality of the vocational guidance interventions becomes even more vital. Traditionally, this has consisted of a balanced mix of information, training and counselling but often such interventions are based on empirical approaches and they lack concrete real life dynamics that would take into account theoretical reference paradigms and developed organizational logistic and technological pre-conditions.

The E.V.A. Project: General Aims

The E.V.A. project aims at providing answers to the urgent need to strengthen the competences of the guidance counsellors from Vocational Guidance Centres and from the Employment Centres. This will focus on developing flexible methodologies to capture the seekers' actual skills ("what I can do") and promote a direct and fast match between job demand and supply through the adaptation and the transfer of the Video-curriculum tool that was developed in a previous EU project called V.I.D.EO. The VIDEO work had a great impact in promoting the job seekers' skills often unearthing skills that were hidden and linking them to new sectorial and geographical contexts and also to new groups of users (such as the young graduates accessing the labour market) who need specifically tailored interventions to increase their employability.

The Project Partnership will help to provide an answer to this critical situation by creating a methodology to train the operators from the Employment Centers of the countries concerned in the creation and exploitation of the Video-curriculum tool for new contexts and the new target groups.


Promoter: Provincia di Roma - Dipartimento III "Servizi per la Formazione e il Lavoro" - Servizio 2 "Monitoraggio, controllo e progetti europei" - IT


Manchester City Council - UK

Nornir - UK

Institute Of Training And Vocational Guidance - GR

Diputacíon de Granada - Delegación de Empleo y Desarrollo Provincial - ES